Dragonfly In Amber S2 E13 Podcast Review Discussion

A wake, a sightseeing tour, memories and revelations, a death, reluctantly to safety she goes, a battle looming, a determination toward death, and a barbecue to pass through the stones. Dragonfly In Amber, the S2 E13 finale,   co-written by Toni Graphia and Matthew B. Roberts, is all that and more.

Claire is in her middle aged prime, Brianna Randall is a burgeoning young adult, Roger MacKenzie is brought in to the family secrets, and Jamie intends to die at Culloden for a cause he knows is lost…

You may listen to the podcast directly through this site within a post or through iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play. Slainte.

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How Many Hail Mary’s Did It Take? S2 E12 Podcast Review Discussion

The collaboration of writers Anne Kenney and Ira Steven Behr is a masterful collaboration for episode “The Hail Mary S2 E12. The power of two is invoked to provide structure and flow to the storytelling.  A wedding, two deaths, two futile attempts to change the future, and many masterful moments.  In my podcast, “I answer how many Hail Mary’s does it take?”. Every key player in the episode is involved in their own plans.

Based on the last three episodes, the 90 minute season finale on 9, July 2016 looks very promising.

You may listen to the podcast directly through this site within a post or through iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play. Slainte.

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The Power of Two. The Hail Mary S2 E12. My Reflections.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Closing Time – Semisonic

As I watched episode “The Hail Mary” S2 E12, frenetic thoughts and feelings bounced all askew, not unlike Claire’s hair defying the pins and willfully becoming untamed once more. I have a level of discomfort that feels just right. I am stunned when the hour is up. I would swear only half that time is gone by. Each minute is well spent and never dithered away. As the credits roll, my emotions settle, and I recognize the power of two deftly at play here.

Two is indeed better than one.

Two writers, Ira Steven Behr and Anne Kenney crafted together this episode in a seamless fashion. They demonstrated what a collaborative effort should look like onscreen. As I watched, I tried to figure out who wrote what and I couldn’t tell. This is a win for viewers. I only have words of excellence for how these two interpreted the script outline as a team. I hope they are proud of what they put forth. I expect they will garner accolades from fans and peers alike.

Two war council leaders pushing and pulling the Prince, funneling all options down to the ill-fated battle on Culloden Moor. Once at odds, now the Quartermaster and the Lord General get on the same page, but the men are hungry, tired, and weary. Too long in retreat, they are no longer fit to fight. The Prince himself is tired of retreat and desires to forge ahead at Culloden. The weaving of the background tale leaves a sense of frustration for all involved. The Prince and his trusted advisers are as ill prepared as the men. It’s powerfully difficult to watch it unfold. This has been masterfully shown to the audience to provoke feelings of unease, distrust, and being forsaken to a lost cause.

Two still grieving the loss of their friends. Ross and Rupert are not yet over the loss of their other halves, Kincaid and Angus. Being in this place without them has them hollow and spent. They are struggling to find meaning and purpose in it any longer. This demonstration of low morale is a small insight to what the entirety of the forces are feeling. The continued nod to the fallen two, is sweet and heartbreaking all over again.

Two “Hail Mary’s” in the mix, Jamie’s and Mary Hawkins’. No matter what Jamie does or how he schemes, the path to Culloden outwits him and is set ever more firmly. He even uses information Claire gathers from Black Jack Randall to try to reset what is to come. Nothing changes. Fate is inexorable it seems. One has to give Jamie credit. He is one tenacious beast with a bone. His love of family and country propel him to not give up even on the eve of battle. This is a reason he is so beloved and called “The King of Men”. He’s not always the fastest, smartest, or strongest. He’s the one willing to do whatever it takes, at whatever the cost to himself to do what he believes is right. There’s a penalty to being “that guy”. We’ve seen the hardships he has endured, however, in the season finale, there’s no doubt he must pay the ultimate price for those he loves. Sam Heughan making it real and believable.

Mary Hawkins make a reappearance. She’s with Alex Randall once again. His health has declined further. They plan to marry once he is improved. Sadly, this is not to be. Claire becomes involved in his care and knows quickly he will not live. Poor Mary is faced with being on her own and destitute. Big brother Johnny (Black Jack Randall) has been financially supporting them since Alex has been unable to work. This triangle proves to be her “Hail Mary”.  Alex insists upon her marrying his brother so she will have a proper name and title. Mary agrees. Randall takes more convincing. Claire “helps” him to see what he must do. She contrives to have Mary not be his wife, but his widow with all the benefits. Exquisitely acted by all in these scenes, each emotion hits the viewer like a slap across the face. It is terrible, ugly,and disturbing…the lot of it.  In the end, they were wed. Now every viewer can be comforted in the fact that Claire prophesied the date of his death, so Mary will only ever be his widow. And never his wife.And I believe two pregnancies are occurring, one known, one not yet acknowledged. Mary Hawkins not only is in need of a husband, her unborn baby, fathered by Alex, is in need of a name and father. Finally Claire knows how and why Black Jack Randall marries Mary. She also must realize that Jamie could’ve killed Randall all along because Frank is not his direct descendant. I imagine a large dose of guilt there. Genealogy charts do not have the back stories. The other pregnancy was foreshadowed last episode in the prayer Jamie was saying over a sleeping Claire. She looks unwell and seems not herself. I believe she is pregnant again but refuses to acknowledge it to be true. Remember the wee daughter we met earlier in the season? The season finale cannot come close enough.

Two sets of brothers are unexpectedly saying goodbye to the one ill. Due to his increasingly poor health, Colum shows up to the encampment to discuss with Dougal and Jamie his vision for Clan MacKenzie after his death. He chooses Jamie over Dougal, as guardian of young Hamish, who is to take his place as Laird. Dougal is angry and lacks an understanding. He somehow makes it all about himself. His loss. His pain. There’s no way for peace to be made here. One who must do for the clan. One who wants to grab at power. When Colum peacefully slips away (after taking the herbs Claire gave him) during Dougal’s woe is me monologue, the final blow to Dougal is struck. Colum wins his battle by leaving his brother with too much unsaid and nothing fixed between them. I shed more than a few tears after this scene. The insight into what makes Dougal tick is fascinating. Colum always knew him better than he knew himself.  Again, the acting is superb. Bravo to Gary and Graham.

Finally the other set of brothers in a losing battle of illness. Black Jack Randall is affectionately called Johnny by his dying brother Alex. He is the only thing Black Jack has ever loved unconditionally. He’s the only person who’s experienced tenderness and care taking by Black Jack. He knows his brother is dark, but preys on the small light of goodness to carry out his plan to give Mary and their unborn baby, a name and station. This request is too much for Black Jack to handle. He even goes so far as to try to get Claire to help dissuade Alex of the marriage request. Eventually he and Mary wed to his great disgust. In the end, he cannot bear to say goodbye to his brother, and instead of tears, shockingly beats his body with fists after the last breath is drawn. This horrific act is done in front of Claire and Mary. Tobias Menzies crushes every scene. He is vulnerable, desperate, caring, despondent, and hateful.  In addition to the incredible acting, Black Jack looks drawn and thin, in kind to his brother ailing Alex. Brilliant!

I have watched it twice just to make sure that the power of two took full root.

This episode gets a giant YES from me if you could not tell. My full review and discussion will be on my podcast for your listening pleasure.

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Ron Moore A Spontaneous Twitter Q and A

Tonight Ronald D. Moore, the Outlander TV series creator, showrunner, and executive producer popped in on Twitter for a spontaneous Q and A with fans.

Some questions were not related to Outlander, so I transcribed the tweets I thought you’d want to read.

  • @JayneStevensLMT: Which scene are you most looking forward to for Season 3? RDM: The ship scenes.
  • @par995: Are you serious about recasting Jamie and Claire? RDM: Uh……………no
  • @phillyoutlander: Will you be doing all your filming for season 3 & 4 in Scotland? RDM: probably not but haven’t locked in locations for sea voyage and Caribbean.
  • @honeypotfraser: Any chance of going to South Africa to use Black Sails ships? RDM: It’s under discussion.
  • @smeghead30: Can Murtagh’s speech please please be included in deleted scenes in the DVD? RMD: I think it will.
  • @chattysassenach: Will NC be filmed in Scotland or England? RMD: Don’t know yet.
  • @jennmabney: Are season 3 & 4 going to be filmed concurrently or consecutively? RDM: There will be a break in between.
  • @mollymay410: Do u think Voyager will be as difficult to adapt as Dragonfly? The same? Easier? RDM: It’s already proving much easier.
  • @shaliepa: Do you see the future of Outlander that you may go beyond the story in the books? As if making changes?     RDM: The changes we make obligate us to follow them up in the show as we go forward but try to keep to books.
  • @sassenachSJ: How many times do you watch each episode? RDM: Really hard to say. Maybe a dozen? Also lots of watching individual scenes an sequences without going through whole show.
  • @fringefreedom: What was your favorite episode of Outlander this season? RDM: 207- Faith and 213 Dragonfly in Amber.
  • @abigibs: Favourite scene in season 2? RDM: Star Chamber.
  • @kgirldc: How many episodes for S3 & S4? RDM: The plan is 13 per season but always subject to change.
  • @jill_milander: Will we get a blooper reel for S2? If so, who flubs lines the most? RDM: I think so but there aren’t that many flubs to be honest.
  • @cecimartin: What has been the biggest obstacle to overcome during S2? RDM: The adaptation was tough because it was a more complicated book.
  • @gsojudy: Will you film in the US at some point? RDM: Don’t know.
  • @pjglaser: When do you start shooting season 3? RDM: Early fall/late summer.

There you have it. The Season 3 and 4 locations are not settled yet. The adaptation is easier this go round. He’s looking forward to the ship scenes. I know, I know, we are looking forward to the bookstore scene… And there’s little rest if Season 3 filming is to start in a couple of months for the cast and crew.

A big thank you to Ron Moore for giving a little dish to the fans.

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Vengeance Is Mine S2 E11 Podcast Review Discussion

This well paced, adventurous episode is written for television by none other than the Outlander book series author, Diana Gabaldon. Vengeance Is Mine, S2 E11 is full of twists and turns, old faces and enemies. A most intimate and tender expression from Jamie causes many a lady to swoon. Jamie and Dougal find themselves on the outs with the Prince and his commanders sending them far away to Inverness. By order, the men of Lallybroch, Jamie, Claire, Murtagh, Fergus, Rupert, and Dougal head northward.  Travel for this bunch is never the expected. Ambushed by British troops, one is wounded and a risky plan is hatched to secure everyone’s freedom. When Claire finds herself in the home of the Duke of Sandringham, everything changes. In the end, revenge is best served sharp and swift with a debt of honor repaid in full.

All photos/screen caps are the property of Starz.

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